8. Optimization

8.1. ARA

1. Setup on cluster

Follow the instructions off Building the Project.

To simplify matters, we have created two Slurm scripts for running our simulations. The first one launchSimulation.sh compiles our code and is a wrapper to start the actually script simulation.sh in the right direction.

///File: launchSimulation.sh
#SBATCH --job-name=launch_simulation
#SBATCH --output=launch_simulation.out
#SBATCH --partition=s_standard
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
#SBATCH --mem=4G

set -e


# Loading cmake to launch this task
echo "Loading needed modules"
module load tools/cmake/3.22.2
module load libs/netcdf/4.6.1-gcc-7.3.0
module load compiler/gcc/11.2.0
module load compiler/intel/2020-Update2

# Cleaning up Build Directory
echo "Cleaning up Build Directory"
cd "$BuildDirectory"
rm -rf "$BuildDirectory"
mkdir "$BuildDirectory"

# Setting up cmake
echo "Setting up cmake"
# intel compiler can only be used without io
CC="/cluster/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2020.2.108/compilers_and_libraries_2020/linux/bin/intel64/icc" \
CXX="/cluster/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2020.2.108/compilers_and_libraries_2020/linux/bin/intel64/icpc" \

# Compiling c++
# Options:
#   --config: Release, Debug
#   --target: simulation, sanitize, test, sanitize_test, test_middle_states
echo "Building the project"
cmake --build . --target simulation

#creating ouput directory
directory=/beegfs/$USER/$(date +"%F_%H-%M")
mkdir $directory

# Coping requiered resources for this job
echo "Copying files to $directory"
cp simulation $directory/simulation
mkdir $directory/resources
cp -R resources/* $directory/resources/

echo "Launching the job"
sbatch -D "$directory" "$ScriptDirectory"/simulation.sh

simulation.sh then runs the actual simulation on a long term node with lots of resources.

///File: simulation.sh
#SBATCH --job-name=tsunami_simulation
#SBATCH --output=simulation.out
#SBATCH --partition=s_hadoop
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=120:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=72
#SBATCH --mem=128G

echo "Start executing 'simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':"

./simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5

2. Verification

Scale in x-dimension predetermined with \(x: 2700000\)
Scale in y-dimension predetermined with \(y: 1500000\)

Cell size: 2000m

Required cells in x-direction: \(\frac{2700000}{2000}=1350\)
Required cells in y-direction: \(\frac{2700000}{2000}=750\)

Cell size: 1000m

Required cells in x-direction: \(\frac{2700000}{1000}=2700\)
Required cells in y-direction: \(\frac{2700000}{1000}=1500\)

As we can see, the results of both simulations match those in 1. Simulation of the tsunami event (Tohoku).

3. Comparison

Local machine

ARA cluster

./simulation 1350 750 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5

./simulation 1350 750 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       1350
  number of cells in y-direction:       750
  cell size:                            2000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 306.636
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 5 min 0 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 67 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      67 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting
Start executing 'simulation 1350 750 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       1350
  number of cells in y-direction:       750
  cell size:                            2000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 306.636
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 10 min 37 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 143 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      142 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting

./simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5

./simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       2700
  number of cells in y-direction:       1500
  cell size:                            1000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 307.668
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 40 min 24 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 272 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      67 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting
Start executing 'simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       2700
  number of cells in y-direction:       1500
  cell size:                            1000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 307.668
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 1 h 28 min 28 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 597 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      147 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting

The data shows that the local machine is more than twice as fast as the ARA cluster (with -O0).

8.2 Compilers

1. Support for generic compilers

To change the compiler on the ARA cluster we have to specify the path in the launchSimulation.sh

///File: launchSimulation.sh
[ ... ]
# Setting up cmake
echo "Setting up cmake"
cd "$BuildDirectory"
# intel compiler can only be used without io
CC="/cluster/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2020.2.108/compilers_and_libraries_2020/linux/bin/intel64/icc" \
CXX="/cluster/intel/parallel_studio_xe_2020.2.108/compilers_and_libraries_2020/linux/bin/intel64/icpc" \
[ ... ]

If you are compiling on your local machine or on another server, you can pass the path of your compiler to cmake via

CC=path/to/c/compiler CXX=path/to/c++/compiler cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

or with

cmake -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=path/to/c/compiler -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=path/to/c++/compiler .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

2. INTEL vs GNU compiler



./simulation 1350 750 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5

Start executing 'simulation 1350 750 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       1350
  number of cells in y-direction:       750
  cell size:                            2000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 306.636
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 2 min 55 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 39 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      39 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting
Start executing 'simulation 1350 750 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       1350
  number of cells in y-direction:       750
  cell size:                            2000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 306.636
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 3 min 33 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 48 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      47 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting

./simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5

Start executing 'simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       2700
  number of cells in y-direction:       1500
  cell size:                            1000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 307.668
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 24 min 30 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 165 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      40 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting
Start executing 'simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       2700
  number of cells in y-direction:       1500
  cell size:                            1000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 307.668
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 30 min 17 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 204 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      50 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting

As we can observe, the Intel compiler is a big step ahead of the GNU compiler (with -O2).

3. INTEL vs GNU flags

Numerical accuracy

An increase in numerical inaccuracy in the GNU compiler begins with the flag -Ofast. It enables all -O3 optimizations and turns on -ffast-math. This option can result in incorrect output for programs that depend on an exact implementation of IEEE or ISO rules/specifications for math functions.

Increasing numerical inaccuracy in the INTEL icpc compiler also starts with using the -Ofast flag. It sets the compiler options -O3, -no-prec-div and -fp-model fast=2. -no-prec-div improves the precision of floating-point division. It has a small impact on speed. -fp-model fast=2 tells the compiler to use more aggressive optimisations when implementing floating-point calculations. These optimisations increase speed, but may reduce the accuracy or reproducibility of floating-point calculations. floating-point calculations.



./simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5


Start executing 'simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       2700
  number of cells in y-direction:       1500
  cell size:                            1000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 307.668
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 24 min 30 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 165 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      40 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting
Start executing 'simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       2700
  number of cells in y-direction:       1500
  cell size:                            1000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 307.668
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 30 min 17 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 204 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      50 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting


Start executing 'simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       2700
  number of cells in y-direction:       1500
  cell size:                            1000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 307.668
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 24 min 53 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 168 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      41 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting
Start executing 'simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       2700
  number of cells in y-direction:       1500
  cell size:                            1000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 307.668
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 30 min 20 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 204 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      50 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting


Start executing 'simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       2700
  number of cells in y-direction:       1500
  cell size:                            1000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 307.668
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 24 min 41 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 166 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      41 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting
Start executing 'simulation 2700 1500 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5':
###                  Tsunami Lab                  ###
###                                               ###
### https://scalable.uni-jena.de                  ###
### https://rivinhd.github.io/Tsunami-Simulation/ ###
Checking for Checkpoints: File IO is disabled!
Simulation is set to 2D
Bathymetry is Enabled
Set Solver: FWave
Activated Reflection on None side
Output format is set to netCDF
Writing the X-/Y-Axis in format meters
Simulation Time is set to 13000 seconds
Writing to the disk every 60 seconds of simulation time
Checkpointing every 5 minutes
runtime configuration
  number of cells in x-direction:       2700
  number of cells in y-direction:       1500
  cell size:                            1000
  number of cells combined to one cell: 1
Max speed 307.668
entering time loop
finished time loop
freeing memory
The Simulation took 0 h 27 min 39 sec to finish.
Time per iteration: 186 milliseconds.
Time per cell:      46 nanoseconds.
finished, exiting

The Intel compiler is the fastest overall, with the fastest optimization being O2. With the GNU compiler, the fastest time is Ofast, whereas O2 and O3 are almost the same in terms of speed.

4. Optimization Report

Option: Generating Report

An option has been added to CMakeLists.txt to generate the report if the option REPORT`` is activated during the cmake generation process. To activate the report, add -D REPORT=ON. E.g.:

cmake .. -D REPORT=ON


The GNU compiler generates an optimization report with the option -fopt-info-optimized=opt_gnu.optrpt and creates a report, for example this Optimization Report. Mostly it inlines functions and constexpr inside the same object and from the imported libraries. It also unrolled small loops and distributed some loops into library calls. Furthermore it sinks common stores with same value. The most time-consuming part is the function netUpdates. Unfortunately the compiler does not vectorizes the code, but at least inlines the F-Wave solver into netUpdates.

8.3 Instrumentation and Performance Counters

1. X-forwarding and start the VTune GUI

  1. Login to the cluster with enabled X-forwarding ssh -X <username>@ara-login01.rz.uni-jena.de

  2. Load required module module load compiler/intel/2020-Update2

  3. Start VTUne GUI vtune-gui &

  4. Create a new project for your application and add an analysis to the project

  5. Copy the [Command] from your configuration in VTune

  1. Allocate a node:

  • salloc -p s_hadoop --time=4:00:00 -n 72 -N 1 --mem=32G

  1. Run your copied command it in the terminal on your allocated node srun [COMMAND]

2. Running analysis in a batch job

First we created our batch job runVTuneAnalysis.sh:


#SBATCH --job-name=run_vtune_analysis
#SBATCH --output=vtune_analysis.out
#SBATCH --partition=b_standard
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=04:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=36
#SBATCH --mem=64G

set -e

OutputDirectory=/home/$USER/tsunami/analysis_$(date +"%F_%H-%M")

# Loading cmake to launch this task
echo "Loading needed modules"
module load compiler/intel/2020-Update2
module load compiler/gcc/11.2.0

mkdir $OutputDirectory
cd $OutputDirectory
echo $OutputDirectory

echo "Start VTune analysis."
# replace the line below with your configured VTune project command
/cluster/intel/vtune_profiler_2020.2.0.610396/bin64/vtune -collect hotspots -app-working-dir /beegfs/ho62zoq/tsunami/Tsunami-Simulation/build -- /beegfs/ho62zoq/tsunami/Tsunami-Simulation/build/simulation 1350 750 -B -w 60 -t 13000 -c 5
printf "Finished analysis.\nResults in directory '$OutputDirectory'.\n"

Afterwards we can start the batch job with sbatch runVTuneAnalysis.sh.

3. Visualization of the result in the GUI

Used debug symbols: -g and -fno-inline.





4. Compute-intensive parts

Our total elapsed time is around 395 seconds.

The most time consuming function is WavePropagation2d::timeStep as we expected thus this is the simulating function of our computation with 100 seconds. The second most time consuming function is FWave::netUpdates with around 92 seconds.

Unexpectedly, the timeStep function takes longer than the netUpdate function, although the primary calculations are carried out in the netUpdate function. It can therefore be assumed that the function calls of netUpdates and calculateReflection in timeStep require a lot of time.

The third place FWave::computeEigenvalues takes nearly 81 seconds. We did not expected that due to the fact that we aren’t computing much in this method besides three calls of std::sqrt which is only 8% of the time.

5. Optimization

We have made some minor adjustments by moving all calculations that can be calculated during initialization in the constructors. We have also adjusted some mathematical expressions to avoid the calculation of duplicates and divisions. With these optimizations we have achieved an improvement of about 0.2%.

The biggest improvement results from an additional loop that ensures that all values loaded into the cache are used. We have also ensured the alignment of the array using the aligned_alloc function. This optimization leads to an improvement of 14.8 %.

/// File: constants.h
template<typename T>
T* aligned_alloc( T*& rawPtr, size_t size, size_t alignment = alignof( T ) )
    // calculates size of array with overhead for alignment
    size_t alignedSize = size + ( alignment / sizeof( T ) ) - 1;

    // init the array
    void* data = new T[alignedSize]{ 0 };
    rawPtr = static_cast<T*>( data );

    // prepare for align and align the array
    alignedSize *= sizeof( T ); // std::align works with size in bytes
    std::align( alignment, sizeof( T ), data, alignedSize );

    // convert the result T* and check if the array is large enough
    T* result = static_cast<T*>( data );
    if( alignedSize < ( size * sizeof( T ) ) )
        delete[] result;
        return nullptr;
    return result;

The above-mentioned improvements result in an overall improvement of 15 %.


All team members contributed equally to the tasks.