Building the Project


To use this project CMake is required. You can check if CMake is installed by running

cmake --version


CMake can be downloaded or installed OS specific through other methods


There are several ways to install CMake on Windows.

Using Windows Package Manager

CMake can be installed using the following command

winget install kitware.cmake
Using Chocolatey

CMake can be installed using the following command

choco install cmake
Using Visual Studio

Official Installation Guid

  1. Therefore you need to download Visual Studio. The Community Edition is free.

  2. Starting the Visual Studio Installer

  3. Select Desktop development with C++ and make sure that C++-CMake-Tools für Windows is checked on the right side of the installer.

  4. Press Install


A simple way is using apt-get by running the command

sudo apt-get install cmake

A simple way is using brew by running the command

brew install cmake

As the project also uses netCDF, this must also be installed on the PC. You can check if netCDF is installed by running

nc-config --version


netCDF can be installed OS specific


  1. Download and install the netCDF-C library and utilities

  2. Install as usual and make sure to add netCDF to the system PATH for all users

Linux and MAC

The easiest way to install netCDF is via Homebrew. Run the following command in the terminal:

brew install netcdf


  1. Download the git repository with git


    git clone


    git clone
  2. Go into the project folder. Your current path should look like this ../Tsunami-Simulation.

  3. Install submodules with git

    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  4. Now create a new folder called build with

    mkdir build
  5. Go into this directory. Your current path should look like this ../Tsunami-Simulation/build.

  6. Now we can start with CMake. Run the following command

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Type>

    Supported values for <Type> are Release and Debug. If only cmake .. is used the Release build is selected.

    The most desired command might be:

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release


    With the Option -G a Generator can be defined used to create the make files and compile the Code. All available Generators can be found at the bottom of the
    cmake --help text. An Example could look like this

    cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"


    When using a multi-config Generator, i.e. Ninja Multi-Config, Visual Studio Generators, Xcode, -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Type> is not needed, and the build type is configured on compilation.

    Therefore, this cmake build command is used:

    cmake cmake --build . --config Release --target simulation

    Options for --config are Release and Debug.
    Options for --target are simulation, sanitize, test, sanitize_test and test_middle_states.


    With the Option -D toggle options can be activated supported only by this CMakeLists.txt. Available options are:




    Completely disable any file IO i.e. Solutions, Stations and Checkpoints


    Enables the report out for the used compiler

    To activate an option, the following must be written:

    cmake .. -D <Option>=ON

    For Example:

    cmake .. -D DISABLE_IO=ON

    Now our make files are being build from the CMakeLists.txt that are used to build the project.

  7. Now we can build the project. The most desired command might be

    cmake --build . --target simulation

    Options for --target are simulation, sanitize, test, sanitize_test and test_middle_states.




    Is the Option to build the project with default flags


    Same as Option simulation but with sanitizers


    Builds the unit test executable


    Builds the unit test executable with sanitizer


    Build the test against the middle_states.csv.
    Configuration can be edited at the top of the test_middle_states.cpp

Running the Simulation & Tests

The executables have been build in to the ../Tsunami-Simulation/build directory with their corresponding name. E.g. If test is built than the executable name is test (or test.exe on Windows), for simulation the executable name would be simulation (or simulation.exe on Windows), etc.

All the executables can be found in ../Tsunami-Simulation/build. The available executables are simulation, sanitize, test, sanitize_test and test_middle_states.


They are only available when build with their respective --target

E.g. the simulation executable can be run with the following command:


Or on Windows with



Running the simulation executable without arguments will give you the help text on how to use it.

Simulation Output

The output of the simulation consists of one netCDF file if nothing else is specified. If you define the output format as CSV several CSV files named solution_<number>.csv will be created. The files are stored in a separate solutions/simulation/ folder, which is located in the working directory of the executable.

Extracting bathymetry data for the 1D domain

  1. Download GEBCO_2021 grid.

  2. Reduce grid size with
    gmt grdcut -R138/147/35/39 path/to/ -Gpath/to/

  3. Create datapoints with
    gmt grdtrack -Gdpath/to/ -E141.024949/37.316569/146/37.316569+i250e+d -Ar > bathy_profile.out

  4. Add commas to create comma-separated values file with
    cat bathy_profile.out | tr -s '[:blank:]' ',' > bathy_profile.csv

The bathy_profile.csv is located in: .../Tsunami-Simulation/resources/bathy_profile.csv.