3. Bathymetry & Boundary Conditions

3.1. Non-zero Source Term

1. Extended f-wave solver

“Bathymetry is the topography of the ocean. We use sea level as a reference which means the bathymetry of a dry cell (onshore) is zero or positive \(b_i \ge 0\) and a wet cell (offshore) has a negative value \(b_j < 0\).”[1]

The term \(\Delta x \Psi_{i-1/2}\) stands for the effect of the bathymetry:

\[\begin{split}\begin{split}\Delta x \Psi_{i-1/2} := \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ -g (b_r - b_l) \frac{h_l+h_r}{2} \end{bmatrix}.\end{split}\end{split}\]
/// File:   FWave.cpp
/// Header: FWave.h
/// Test:   FWave.test.cpp
[ ... ]
void tsunami_lab::solvers::FWave::computeBathymetryEffects( t_real i_hL, t_real i_hR,
                                                            t_real i_bL, t_real i_bR,
                                                            t_real o_bathymetryEffect[2] )
    o_bathymetryEffect[0] = 0;
    o_bathymetryEffect[1] = -m_g * ( i_bR - i_bL ) * ( t_real( 0.5 ) * ( i_hL + i_hR ) );
[ ... ]

To add bathymetry into the f-wave solver we need to take these into account in our flux function:

\[\Delta f - \Delta x \Psi_{i-1/2} = \sum_{p=1}^2 Z_p.\]
/// File:   FWave.cpp
/// Header: FWave.h
/// Test:   FWave.test.cpp
[ ... ]
// compute delta flux
t_real deltaFlux[2];
computeDeltaFlux( i_hL, i_hR, l_uL, l_uR, deltaFlux );

//compute bathymetry
t_real bathymetry[2];
computeBathymetryEffects( i_hL, i_hR, i_bL, i_bR, bathymetry );
t_real bathymetryDeltaFlux[2] = {
    deltaFlux[0] + bathymetry[0],
    deltaFlux[1] + bathymetry[1]

// compute eigencoefficients
t_real eigencoefficient1 = 0;
t_real eigencoefficient2 = 0;
computeEigencoefficients( eigenvalue1, eigenvalue2, bathymetryDeltaFlux, eigencoefficient1, eigencoefficient2 );
[ ... ]

2. Illustration of the effect of bathymetry

First we need to set the bathymetry to our WavePropagation1d. Because bathymetry is only possible in the f-wave solver, we have an if-statement in WavePropagation1d which checks whether bathymetry is present. The return type Reflection is explained later.

/// File:   WavePropagation1d.cpp
/// Header: WavePropagation1d.h
/// Test:   WavePropagation1d.test.cpp
[ ... ]
tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation1d::WavePropagation1d( t_idx i_nCells )
    m_nCells = i_nCells;

    // allocate memory including a single ghost cell on each side
    for( unsigned short l_st = 0; l_st < 2; l_st++ )
        m_h[l_st] = new t_real[m_nCells + 2];
        m_hu[l_st] = new t_real[m_nCells + 2];
    m_bathymetry = new t_real[m_nCells + 2]{ 0 };
    m_totalHeight = new t_real[m_nCells + 2]{ 0 };

    // init to zero
    for( unsigned short l_st = 0; l_st < 2; l_st++ )
        for( t_idx l_ce = 0; l_ce < m_nCells + 2; l_ce++ )
            m_h[l_st][l_ce] = 0;
            m_hu[l_st][l_ce] = 0;
[ ... ]
void tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation1d::timeStep( t_real i_scaling )
    [ ... ]
    if( hasBathymetry )
        // iterate over edges and update with Riemann solutions
        for( t_idx l_ed = 0; l_ed < m_nCells + 1; l_ed++ )
            // determine left and right cell-id
            t_idx l_ceL = l_ed;
            t_idx l_ceR = l_ed + 1;

            // noting to compute both shore cells
            if( l_hOld[l_ceL] == 0 && l_hOld[l_ceR] == 0 )

            // compute reflection
            t_real heightLeft;
            t_real heightRight;
            t_real momentumLeft;
            t_real momentumRight;
            t_real bathymetryLeft;
            t_real bathymetryRight;

            Reflection reflection = calculateReflection( l_hOld,
                                                         bathymetryRight );

            // compute net-updates
            t_real l_netUpdates[2][2];

            tsunami_lab::solvers::FWave::netUpdates( heightLeft,
                                                     l_netUpdates[1] );

            // update the cells' quantities
            l_hNew[l_ceL] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[0][0] * ( Reflection::RIGHT != reflection );
            l_huNew[l_ceL] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[0][1] * ( Reflection::RIGHT != reflection );

            l_hNew[l_ceR] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[1][0] * ( Reflection::LEFT != reflection );
            l_huNew[l_ceR] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[1][1] * ( Reflection::LEFT != reflection );
        // uses a function pointer to choose between the solvers
        void ( *netUpdates )( t_real, t_real, t_real, t_real, t_real*, t_real* ) = solvers::FWave::netUpdates;
        if( solver == Solver::ROE )
            netUpdates = solvers::Roe::netUpdates;
        // iterate over edges and update with Riemann solutions
        for( t_idx l_ed = 0; l_ed < m_nCells + 1; l_ed++ )
            // determine left and right cell-id
            t_idx l_ceL = l_ed;
            t_idx l_ceR = l_ed + 1;

            // noting to compute both shore cells
            if( l_hOld[l_ceL] == 0 && l_hOld[l_ceR] == 0 )

            // compute reflection
            t_real heightLeft;
            t_real heightRight;
            t_real momentumLeft;
            t_real momentumRight;

            Reflection reflection = calculateReflection( l_hOld,
                                                         momentumRight );

            // compute net-updates
            t_real l_netUpdates[2][2];

            netUpdates( heightLeft,
                        l_netUpdates[1] );

            // update the cells' quantities
            l_hNew[l_ceL] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[0][0] * ( Reflection::RIGHT != reflection );
            l_huNew[l_ceL] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[0][1] * ( Reflection::RIGHT != reflection );

            l_hNew[l_ceR] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[1][0] * ( Reflection::LEFT != reflection );
            l_huNew[l_ceR] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[1][1] * ( Reflection::LEFT != reflection );
[ ... ]

And set our ghost cells \(b_0 := b_1\) and \(b_{n+1} := b_n\).

/// File:   WavePropagation1d.cpp
/// Header: WavePropagation1d.h
/// Test:   WavePropagation1d.test.cpp
void tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation1d::setGhostOutflow()
    t_real* l_h = m_h[m_step];
    t_real* l_hu = m_hu[m_step];

    // set left boundary
    l_h[0] = l_h[1] * !hasReflection[Side::LEFT];
    l_hu[0] = l_hu[1];
    m_bathymetry[0] = m_bathymetry[1];

    // set right boundary
    l_h[m_nCells + 1] = l_h[m_nCells] * !hasReflection[Side::RIGHT];
    l_hu[m_nCells + 1] = l_hu[m_nCells];
    m_bathymetry[m_nCells + 1] = m_bathymetry[m_nCells];
[ ... ]

3.2 Reflecting Boundary Conditions

1. Implementation

The reflecting boundary condition is given for a wet cell \(\mathcal{C}_{i-1}\) and dry cell \(\mathcal{C}_i\) as:

\[\begin{split}h_{i} &:= h_{i-1} \\ (hu)_{i} &:= -(hu)_{i-1} \\ b_{i} &:= b_{i-1}\end{split}\]

For the implementation, the case that \(\mathcal{C}_{i-1}\) is dry and \(\mathcal{C}_i\) is wet should also be taken into account. Therefore the following implementation is provided. For simulations without bathymetry, a similar implementation is provided that does not take bathymetry into account.

/// File:   WavePropagation1d.cpp
/// Header: WavePropagation1d.h
/// Test:   WavePropagation1d.test.cpp

tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation1d::Reflection tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation1d::calculateReflection( t_real* i_h,
                                                                                                                  t_real* i_hu,
                                                                                                                  t_idx i_ceL,
                                                                                                                  t_real& o_heightLeft,
                                                                                                                  t_real& o_heightRight,
                                                                                                                  t_real& o_momentumLeft,
                                                                                                                  t_real& o_momentumRight,
                                                                                                                  t_real& o_bathymetryLeft,
                                                                                                                  t_real& o_bathymetryRight )
    t_idx l_ceR = i_ceL + 1;
    bool leftReflection = ( i_h[l_ceR] == t_real( 0.0 ) );
    o_heightRight = leftReflection ? i_h[i_ceL] : i_h[l_ceR];
    o_momentumRight = leftReflection ? -i_hu[i_ceL] : i_hu[l_ceR];
    o_bathymetryRight = leftReflection ? m_bathymetry[i_ceL] : m_bathymetry[l_ceR];

    bool rightReflection = ( i_h[i_ceL] == t_real( 0.0 ) );
    o_heightLeft = rightReflection ? i_h[l_ceR] : i_h[i_ceL];
    o_momentumLeft = rightReflection ? -i_hu[l_ceR] : i_hu[i_ceL];
    o_bathymetryLeft = rightReflection ? m_bathymetry[l_ceR] : m_bathymetry[i_ceL];

    return static_cast<Reflection>( leftReflection * Reflection::LEFT + rightReflection * Reflection::RIGHT );

The return of the reflection is provided by an enumeration where LEFT and RIGHT can be summed to return BOTH. If both cells are dry, the reflection and netUpdates do not need to be computed, i.e. there is no water to simulate with. Therefore, a condition checks whether both cells are dry before calculating the reflection and netUpdate and skips this iteration if fulfilled. This also leads to a better simulation time, as large blocks with dry cells are skipped completely. The implementation of reflection is private inside WavePropagation1d as it is only used internally.

enum Reflection
    NONE = 0,
    LEFT = 1,
    RIGHT = 2,
    BOTH = 3

If a reflection occurs on one side of a cell, the height and momentum of the dry cell do not change, i.e.

l_hNew[l_ceL] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[0][0] * ( Reflection::RIGHT != reflection );
l_huNew[l_ceL] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[0][1] * ( Reflection::RIGHT != reflection );

l_hNew[l_ceR] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[1][0] * ( Reflection::LEFT != reflection );
l_huNew[l_ceR] -= i_scaling * l_netUpdates[1][1] * ( Reflection::LEFT != reflection );

The reflection value indicates where the reflection would occur on the cell. For example, the left cell is wet and the right cell is dry. Then the reflection occurs on the left side of the dry cell and the reflection is set to LEFT.

The reflection of the ghost cells is achieved by setting the water height to zero i.e. l_h[0] = l_h[1] * !hasReflection[Side::LEFT].

2. Visualization of right Boundary Reflection

The water is initialized to the same height and momentum in all cells, as can be seen at the beginning of the video. When the video is played back, an increase of the water and a decrease in momentum can be seen on the right-hand side, as the water is reflected on the right-hand side of the boundary. The outgoing momentum and the incoming momentum cancel each other out so that the momentum becomes zero.

3.3. Hydraulic Jumps

Hydraulic jumps behavior in shallow water theory can be characterized by the Froude number.

\[F := \frac{u}{\sqrt{gh}}\]

“We call regions with \(F < 1\) subcritical, \(F \approx 1\) critical and \(F > 1\) supercritical.”[2]

1. Maximum Froude number

Subcritical flow

The velocity can be calculated with the momentum and height as follows:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned}\\\begin{split} u(x) &= \frac{hu(x)}{h(x)}\\ &= \begin{cases} \frac{4.42}{1.8 + 0.05 (x-10)^2} \quad &\text{if } x \in (8,12) \\ \frac{4.42}{2} \quad &\text{else} \end{cases}\\\end{split}\\\end{aligned}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Using the conditional velocity the Froude number can be calculated in the range of (8, 12) and outside that range:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned}\\\begin{split} \text{For } x\in (8, 12): &\\ F(x) &= \frac{4.42}{(1.8 + 0.05 (x - 10)^2) \cdot \sqrt{9.80665 \cdot (1.8 + 0.05 (x - 10)^2)}}\\ &= \frac{1.41144}{(0.05 (x-10)^2 + 1.8)^{3/2}}\\\end{split}\\\end{aligned}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

The Froude number within the range (8, 12) has a quadratic equation with a positive gradient in the denominator, so that the maximum can be found by derivation:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned}\\\begin{split} F'(x) &= \frac{0.211716 (x - 10)}{(0.05 (x - 10)^2 + 1.8)^{5/2}}\\ F'(x_1) &= 0 \\ x_1 &= 10 \\ F(10) &\approx 0.58445782\end{split}\\\end{aligned}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

The Froude number outside the range (8, 12) is calculated by:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned}\\\begin{split} \text{For } x\notin (8, 12): &\\ F(x) &= \frac{4.42}{2 \sqrt{9.80665 \cdot 2}} \approx 0.49901884\end{split}\\\end{aligned}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Therefore, the maximum Froude number of the subcritical flow is 0.58445782.

Supercritical flow

The velocity can again be calculated with momentum and height as follows:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned}\\\begin{split} u(x) &= \frac{hu(x)}{h(x)}\\ &= \begin{cases} \frac{0.18}{0.13 + 0.05 (x-10)^2} \quad &\text{if } x \in (8,12) \\ \frac{0.18}{0.33} \quad &\text{else} \end{cases}\\\end{split}\\\end{aligned}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Using the conditional velocity the Froude number can be calculated in the range of (8, 12) and outside that range:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned}\\\begin{split} \text{For } x\in (8, 12): &\\ F(x) &= \frac{0.18}{(0.13 + 0.05 (x - 10)^2) \sqrt{9.80665 \cdot (0.13 + 0.05 (x - 10)^2)}}\\ &= \frac{0.0574794}{(0.05 (x-10)^2 + 0.13)^{3/2}}\\\end{split}\\\end{aligned}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Again the Froude number within the range (8, 12) has a quadratic equation with a positive gradient in the denominator, so that the maximum can be found by derivation:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned}\\\begin{split} F'(x) &= \frac{0.00862191 (x - 10)}{(0.05 (x - 10)^2 + 0.13)^{5/2}}\\ F'(x_1) &= 0\\ x_1 = 10\\ F(10) &\approx 1.2263012\end{split}\\\end{aligned}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

The Froude number outside the range (8, 12) is calculated by:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{aligned}\\\begin{split} \text{For } x\notin (8, 12): &\\ F(x) &= \frac{0.18}{0.33 \sqrt{9.80665 \cdot 0.33}} \approx 0.30320842\end{split}\\\end{aligned}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Therefore, the maximum Froude number of the subcritical flow is 1.2263012.

2. Implementation into Setups

The implementation in setups is done using a subclass of setup::Setup.h where the default constructor setups the initial supercritical and subcritical flow examples.

Subcritical Flow

Supercritical Flow

\[\begin{split}\begin{split}\begin{aligned} b(x) &= \begin{cases} -1.8 - 0.05 (x-10)^2 \quad &\text{if } x \in (8,12) \\ -2 \quad &\text{else} \end{cases}\\ h(x, 0) &= -b(x) \quad \text{if } x \in [0,25] \\ hu(x, 0) &= 4.42 \quad \text{if } x \in [0,25]. \end{aligned}\end{split}\end{split}\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{split}\begin{aligned} b(x) &= \begin{cases} -0.13 - 0.05 (x-10)^2 \quad &\text{if } x \in (8,12) \\ -0.33 \quad &\text{else} \end{cases}\\ h(x, 0) &= -b(x) \quad \text{if } x \in [0,25] \\ hu(x, 0) &= 0.18 \quad \text{if } x \in [0,25]. \end{aligned}\end{split}\end{split}\]

The implementation is similar in both cases, for the subcritical flow the code is shown below. To calculate the bathymetry as a function of the x-coordinate, a function pointer is used to which a lambda is assigned.

/// File:   SubcriticalFlow1d.cpp
/// Header: SubcriticalFlow1d.h
/// Test:   SubcriticalFlow1d.test.cpp

    : momentum( 4.42 ), range{ 8, 12 }, bathymetryOutRange( -2 )
    bathymetryInRange = []( t_real x ) -> t_real
            return -1.8 - 0.05 * ( x - 10 ) * ( x - 10 );

Also an extra constructor is provided with four argument (t_real momentum, t_real range, t_real bathymetryOutRange, t_real( *bathymetryInRange )( t_real )) to provide an interface for custom supercritical & subcritical flow setups. Therefore, the function pointer is needed to calculate the bathymetry and water height depending on the x-coordinate.

The bathymetry is returned based on the range with its stored bathymetry i.e.

tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::SubcriticalFlow1d::getBathymetry( t_real i_x,
                                                                           t_real ) const
    if( range[0] < i_x && i_x < range[1] )
        return bathymetryInRange( i_x );
    return bathymetryOutRange;

The Output of both are visualized below:

Subcritical Flow

At about 2 seconds at 2000 a small dent can be seen in the total height.

Supercritical Flow

Between 1 and 5 seconds at about 2350, a large gap forms in the total height and the momentum begins to oscillate.

3. Hydraulic Jump

The hydraulic jump in the supercritical solution can be seen around 2350, but the f-wave solver fails to converge to a constant momentum. Therefore, a peak in momentum can be seen around 2350.

3.4. 1D Tsunami Simulation

1. Extracting bathymetry data for the 1D domain

  1. Download GEBCO_2021 grid.

  2. Reduce grid size with
    gmt grdcut -R138/147/35/39 path/to/GEBCO_2021.nc -Gpath/to/GEBCO_2021_cut.nc

  3. Create datapoints with
    gmt grdtrack -Gdpath/to/GEBCO_2021_cut.nc -E141.024949/37.316569/146/37.316569+i250e+d -Ar > bathymetry_profile.out

  4. Add commas to create comma-separated values file with
    cat bathymetry_profile.out | tr -s '[:blank:]' ',' > bathymetry_profile.csv

The bathymetry_profile.csv is located in: .../Tsunami-Simulation/resources/bathymetry_profile.csv.

2. Extend tsunami_lab::io::Csv to read bathymetry_profile.csv

/// File:   Csv.cpp
/// Header: Csv.h
/// Test:   Csv.test.cpp
bool tsunami_lab::io::Csv::readBathymetry( std::ifstream& stream,
                                           t_real& o_hBathymetry)
    std::string line;

    // read next complete line
    while( std::getline( stream, line ) )
        // skip commented lines
        if( line[0] == '#' )

        // parse lines divided by ',' to single values
        std::istringstream lineStream( line );
        std::string longitude;
        std::getline( lineStream, longitude, ',' );
        std::string latitude;
        std::getline( lineStream, latitude, ',' );
        std::string location;
        std::getline( lineStream, location, ',' );
        std::string h_bathymetry;
        std::getline( lineStream, h_bathymetry, ',' );
        o_hBathymetry = atof( h_bathymetry.c_str() );
        return true;
    // no lines left to read
    return false;

This implementation offers scope for reading further data from the file in the future.

3. New setup setups::TsunamiEvent1d

In the first highlighted block we initialize a vector with the bathymetry height entries of the bathymetry_profile.csv. In total, we then have the values of m_bathymetry.size() many data points and a maximum index of m_csvDataPoint.

If the x-coordinate of the queried point is not exactly at the same position as a bathymetry value, a more suitable bathymetry is calculated for this x-coordinate by linear interpolation. This is done in the second and third highlighted code-block.

The mathematical formulas

\[\begin{split}\begin{split}\begin{split} h &= \begin{cases} \max( -b_\text{in}, \delta), &\text{if } b_\text{in} < 0 \\ 0, &\text{else} \end{cases}\\ hu &= 0\\ b &= \begin{cases} \min(b_\text{in}, -\delta) + d, & \text{ if } b_\text{in} < 0\\ \max(b_\text{in}, \delta) + d, & \text{ else}. \end{cases} \end{split}\end{split}\end{split}\]

can be easily transferred to code.

\(b_\text{in}(x) \in \mathbb{R}\) is the bathymetry axtracted from the DEM and \(d(x) \in \mathbb{R}\) is the vertical displacement. The constant \(\delta \in \mathbb{R}^+\) avoids running into numerical issues due to missing support for wetting and drying in our solver.

/// File:   TsunamiEvent1d.cpp
/// Header: TsunamiEvent1d.h
/// Test:   TsunamiEvent1d.test.cpp
tsunami_lab::setups::TsunamiEvent1d::TsunamiEvent1d( std::string filePath,
                                                     tsunami_lab::t_real i_delta,
                                                     tsunami_lab::t_real i_scale )
    m_delta = i_delta;
    m_scale = i_scale;

    t_real o_hBathymetry = 0;
    std::ifstream bathymetry_profile( filePath );
    while( tsunami_lab::io::Csv::readBathymetry( bathymetry_profile, o_hBathymetry ) )
        m_bathymetry.push_back( o_hBathymetry );
    m_csvDataPoint = m_bathymetry.size() - 1;

tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::TsunamiEvent1d::getHeight( tsunami_lab::t_real i_x,
                                                                    tsunami_lab::t_real ) const
    // linear interpolation between two bathymetries
    t_real l_x = ( i_x / m_scale ) * m_csvDataPoint;
    t_idx indexL = std::floor( l_x );
    t_idx indexR = std::ceil( l_x );
    t_real l_bathymetryL = m_bathymetry[indexL];
    t_real l_bathymetryR = m_bathymetry[indexR];
    t_real l_bathymetry = ( l_bathymetryR - l_bathymetryL ) * ( l_x - indexL ) + l_bathymetryL;

    if( l_bathymetry < 0 )
        return -l_bathymetry < m_delta ? m_delta : -l_bathymetry;
    return 0;

tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::TsunamiEvent1d::getMomentumX( tsunami_lab::t_real,
                                                                       tsunami_lab::t_real ) const
    return m_momentum;

tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::TsunamiEvent1d::getMomentumY( tsunami_lab::t_real,
                                                                       tsunami_lab::t_real ) const
    return 0;

tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::TsunamiEvent1d::getBathymetry( tsunami_lab::t_real i_x,
                                                                        tsunami_lab::t_real ) const
    // linear interpolation between two bathymetries
    t_real l_x = ( i_x / m_scale ) * m_csvDataPoint;
    t_idx indexL = std::floor( l_x );
    t_idx indexR = std::ceil( l_x );
    t_real l_bathymetryL = m_bathymetry[indexL];
    t_real l_bathymetryR = m_bathymetry[indexR];
    t_real l_bathymetry = ( l_bathymetryR - l_bathymetryL ) * ( l_x - indexL ) + l_bathymetryL;
    t_real verticalDisplacement = getVerticalDisplacement( i_x, 0 );

    if( l_bathymetry < 0 )
        return l_bathymetry < -m_delta ? l_bathymetry + verticalDisplacement : -m_delta + verticalDisplacement;
    return l_bathymetry < m_delta ? m_delta + verticalDisplacement : l_bathymetry + verticalDisplacement;

tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::TsunamiEvent1d::getVerticalDisplacement( tsunami_lab::t_real i_x,
                                                                                  tsunami_lab::t_real ) const
    if( 175000 < i_x && i_x < 250000 )
        return 1000 * std::sin( ( ( i_x - 175000 ) / 37500 * M_PI ) + M_PI );
    return 0;

4. Visualization of the TsunamiEvent1d setup

l_endTime…time to simulate = 2000
l_scale…length of the x-axis on which the simulation runs = 440000

Result with 10000 cells. To achieve a better visualization, the vertical displacement is scaled with 1000 instead of 10.

\[\begin{split}\begin{split}d(x) = \begin{cases} 1000\cdot\sin(\frac{x-175000}{37500} \pi + \pi), & \text{ if } 175000 < x < 250000 \\ 0, &\text{else}. \end{cases}\end{split}\end{split}\]


All team members contributed equally to the tasks.