5. Large Data Input and Output

5.1 NetCDF Output

1. Installation of netCDF


netCDF can be installed OS specific


  1. Download and install the netCDF-C library and utilities

  2. Install as usual and make sure to add netCDF to the system PATH for all users

Linux and MAC

The easiest way to install netCDF is via Homebrew. Run the following command in the terminal:

brew install netcdf

To use netCDF we have to include the directories and link the library to the whole project in the CMakeLists.txt. With find_package(netCDF REQUIRED) CMake will find the existing path and use it as reference.

find_package(netCDF REQUIRED)

Now we can use netCDF files in out project.

2. tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::write

With the NetCdf constructor we set up our netCDF file. First we define our required dimensions.

The useSpherical boolean decides if we are using degrees or meters in our netCDF file as unit. The default value is set to true. If the user wants to use meters he can set it with the -M flag at the beginning. The boolean is then used in various ternary operators to set the value to the right one.

// Header: NetCdf.h
// File:   NetCdf.cpp
// Test:   NetCdf.test.cpp

tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::NetCdf( std::string filePath,
                                 t_idx l_nx,
                                 t_idx l_ny,
                                 t_real l_scaleX,
                                 t_real l_scaleY,
                                 t_idx l_stride,
                                 bool useSpherical )
    : isReadMode( false )
    m_filePath = filePath;
    m_nx = l_nx;
    m_ny = l_ny;
    m_scaleX = l_scaleX;
    m_scaleY = l_scaleY;
    m_stride = l_stride;
    int l_err;
    int m_dimIds[3];

    // set up netCDF-file
    l_err = nc_create( filePath.c_str(), // path
                       NC_CLOBBER,       // cmode
                       &m_ncId );        // ncidp
    checkNcErr( l_err, "create" );

    // define dimensions
    l_err = nc_def_dim( m_ncId,         // ncid
                        "time",         // name
                        NC_UNLIMITED,   // len
                        &m_dimTimeId ); // idp
    checkNcErr( l_err, "dimTime" );

    l_err = nc_def_dim( m_ncId,                           // ncid
                        useSpherical ? "longitude" : "X", // name
                        m_nx,                             // len
                        &m_dimXId );                      // idp
    checkNcErr( l_err, "dimX" );

    l_err = nc_def_dim( m_ncId,                           // ncid
                        useSpherical ? "latitude" : "Y",  // name
                        m_ny,                             // len
                        &m_dimYId );                      // idp
    checkNcErr( l_err, "dimY" );

    m_dimIds[0] = m_dimTimeId;
    m_dimIds[1] = m_dimYId;
    m_dimIds[2] = m_dimXId;
    [ ... ]

Next, we declare our variables:

[ ... ]
l_err = nc_def_var( m_ncId,                            // ncid
                    useSpherical ? "longitude" : "X",  // name
                    NC_FLOAT,                          // xtype
                    1,                                 // ndims
                    &m_dimXId,                         // dimidsp
                    &m_xId );                          // varidp
checkNcErr( l_err, "longitude" );

l_err = nc_def_var( m_ncId,                           // ncid
                    useSpherical ? "latitude" : "Y",  // name
                    NC_FLOAT,                         // xtype
                    1,                                // ndims
                    &m_dimYId,                        // dimidsp
                    &m_yId );                         // varidp
checkNcErr( l_err, "latitude" );

l_err = nc_def_var( m_ncId,             // ncid
                    "time",             // name
                    NC_FLOAT,           // xtype
                    1,                  // ndims
                    &m_dimTimeId,       // dimidsp
                    &m_timeId );        // varidp
checkNcErr( l_err, "timeId" );

l_err = nc_def_var( m_ncId,             // ncid
                    "totalHeight",      // name
                    NC_FLOAT,           // xtype
                    3,                  // ndims
                    m_dimIds,           // dimidsp
                    &m_totalHeightId ); // varidp
checkNcErr( l_err, "totalHeight" );

l_err = nc_def_var( m_ncId,             // ncid
                    "bathymetry",       // name
                    NC_FLOAT,           // xtype
                    2,                  // ndims
                    m_dimIds + 1,       // dimidsp
                    &m_bathymetryId );  // varidp
checkNcErr( l_err, "bathymetry" );

l_err = nc_def_var( m_ncId,             // ncid
                    "momentumX",        // name
                    NC_FLOAT,           // xtype
                    3,                  // ndims
                    m_dimIds,           // dimidsp
                    &m_momentumXId );   // varidp
checkNcErr( l_err, "momentumX" );

l_err = nc_def_var( m_ncId,             // ncid
                    "momentumY",        // name
                    NC_FLOAT,           // xtype
                    3,                  // ndims
                    m_dimIds,           // dimidsp
                    &m_momentumYId );   // varidp
checkNcErr( l_err, "momentumY" );
[ ... ]

Now we have to define the global attributes and the units for a number of variables:

[ ... ]
// global attribute
l_err = nc_put_att_text( m_ncId,
                         "COARDS" );
checkNcErr( l_err, "coards" );

// Add units attribute to the variable
l_err = nc_put_att_text( m_ncId,
                         "seconds" );
checkNcErr( l_err, "seconds" );

l_err = nc_put_att_text( m_ncId,
                         useSpherical ? 12 : 6,
                         useSpherical ? "degrees_east" : "meters" );
checkNcErr( l_err, "degrees_east" );

l_err = nc_put_att_text( m_ncId,
                         useSpherical ? 13 : 6,
                         useSpherical ? "degrees_north" : "meters" );
checkNcErr( l_err, "degrees_north" );

l_err = nc_put_att_text( m_ncId,
                         "meters" );
checkNcErr( l_err, "metersTotalHeight" );

l_err = nc_put_att_text( m_ncId,
                         "meters" );
checkNcErr( l_err, "metersBathymetry" );

l_err = nc_put_att_text( m_ncId,
                         "meters" );
checkNcErr( l_err, "metersMomentumX" );

l_err = nc_put_att_text( m_ncId,
                         "meters" );
checkNcErr( l_err, "metersMomentumY" );

l_err = nc_enddef( m_ncId ); // ncid
checkNcErr( l_err, "enddef" );
[ ... ]

Finally, in accordance with convention, we calculate the latitude and longitude values by converting metres to degrees and write them to our netCDF file if we are using degrees as our unit:

    [ ... ]
    // write longitude and latitude
    t_real stepLat = m_scaleY / ( l_ny - 1 );
    t_real stepLon = m_scaleX / ( l_nx - 1 );
    if( useSpherical )
        t_real maxLat = m_scaleY / t_real( 110574 );
        t_real maxLon = m_scaleX / ( 111320 * std::cos( maxLat * M_PI / 180 ) );
        stepLat = maxLat / ( l_ny - 1 );
        stepLon = maxLon / ( l_nx - 1 );
    t_real* lat = new t_real[l_ny];
    t_real* lon = new t_real[l_nx];

    for( size_t i = 0; i < l_ny; i++ )
        lat[i] = i * stepLat;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < l_nx; i++ )
        lon[i] = i * stepLon;

    l_err = nc_put_var_float( m_ncId,          // ncid
                              m_yId,    // varid
                              lat );           // op
    checkNcErr( l_err, "putLatitude" );

    l_err = nc_put_var_float( m_ncId,         // ncid
                              m_xId,  // varid
                              lon );          // op
    checkNcErr( l_err, "putLongitude" );

    delete[] lat;
    delete[] lon;

The create file will now look like this (only example):

netcdf WriteNetCDF.test {
    time = UNLIMITED ; // (20 currently)
    longitude = 10 ;
    latitude = 10 ;
    float longitude(longitude) ;
        longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
    float latitude(latitude) ;
        latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
    float time(time) ;
        time:units = "seconds" ;
    float totalHeight(time, latitude, longitude) ;
    float bathymetry(time, latitude, longitude) ;
    float momentumX(time, latitude, longitude) ;
    float momentumY(time, latitude, longitude) ;

// global attributes:
        :Conventions = "COARDS" ;

 longitude = 0, 0.009981249, 0.0199625, 0.02994375, 0.03992499, 0.04990624,
    0.05988749, 0.06986874, 0.07984999, 0.08983123 ;

 latitude = 0, 0.01004857, 0.02009715, 0.03014572, 0.0401943, 0.05024287,
    0.06029145, 0.07034002, 0.0803886, 0.09043717 ;

Now we are implementing a function which allows to write the current time step to the created netCDF file. The function gets the current simulation time and the following values of the cells: total height, bathymetry, momentum in x direction and momentum in y direction. The check isReadMode ensures that we are using a netCDF writer and not a reader (netCDF reader constructor is empty).

// Header: NetCdf.h
// File:   NetCdf.cpp
// Test:   NetCdf.test.cpp

void tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::write( const t_real simulationTime,
                                     const t_real* totalHeight,
                                     const t_real* bathymetry,
                                     const t_real* momentumX,
                                     const t_real* momentumY )
    if( isReadMode )
        std::cerr << "This netCdf object is not initialized in write mode. Read mode can only be used to read from files." << std::endl;
        exit( 2 );

    int l_err;
    size_t start[3] = { m_time, 0, 0 };
    size_t count[3] = { 1, m_ny, m_nx };
    ptrdiff_t stride[3] = { 1, 1, 1 };
    ptrdiff_t map[3] = { 1, static_cast<ptrdiff_t>( m_stride ), 1 };
    size_t index[1] = { m_time }; // index should be same as current time dimension

    // write data
    l_err = nc_put_var1_float( m_ncId,              // ncid
                               m_timeId,            // varid
                               index,               // indexp
                               &simulationTime );   // op
    checkNcErr( l_err, "putTime" );

    l_err = nc_put_varm_float( m_ncId,          // ncid
                               m_totalHeightId, // varid
                               start,           // startp
                               count,           // countp
                               stride,          // stridep
                               map,             // imap
                               totalHeight );   // op
    checkNcErr( l_err, "putTotalHeight" );

    l_err = nc_put_varm_float( m_ncId,          // ncid
                               m_bathymetryId,  // varid
                               start,           // startp
                               count,           // countp
                               stride,          // stridep
                               map,             // imap
                               bathymetry );    // op
    checkNcErr( l_err, "putBathymetry" );

    l_err = nc_put_varm_float( m_ncId,          // ncid
                               m_momentumXId,   // varid
                               start,           // startp
                               count,           // countp
                               stride,          // stridep
                               map,             // imap
                               momentumX );     // op
    checkNcErr( l_err, "putMomentumX" );

    l_err = nc_put_varm_float( m_ncId,          // ncid
                               m_momentumYId,   // varid
                               start,           // startp
                               count,           // countp
                               stride,          // stridep
                               map,             // imap
                               momentumY );     // op
    checkNcErr( l_err, "putMomentumY" );

    std::cout << " writing to '" << m_filePath << "'" << std::endl;


5.2 NetCDF Input

1. Artificial Tsunami 2D

The class setups::ArtificialTsunami2d provides a hard-coded implementation of the Equation shown below.

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \text{d}(x, y) & = & 5 \cdot f(x)g(y) \\ \text{f}(x) & = & \sin\left(\left(\frac{x}{500}+1\right) \cdot \pi\right) \\ \text{g}(y) & = & -\left(\frac{y}{500}\right)^2 + 1 \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Therefore some basic settings are set in the constructor of the class.

/// Header: ArtificialTsunami2d.h
/// File:   ArtificialTsunami2d.cpp
/// Test:   ArtificialTsunami2d.test.cpp
    : bathymetryHeight( -100 ), centerOffset( 5000 )

The implementation of the equation is completely done in the getBathymetry function. Where an if statement is used to check if the displacement needs to be applied.

/// File: ArtificialTsunami2d.cpp
tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::ArtificialTsunami2d::getBathymetry( t_real i_x,
                                                                             t_real i_y ) const
    i_x -= centerOffset;
    i_y -= centerOffset;
    if( -500 <= i_x && i_x <= 500 && -500 <= i_y && i_y <= 500 )
        t_real f = std::sin( ( i_x / 500 + 1 ) * M_PI );
        t_real g = -std::pow( i_y / 500, 2 ) + 1;
        return bathymetryHeight + 5 * f * g;
    return bathymetryHeight;

2. Reading a netCDF

The reading is done by using the methods provided by the library netCDF. To provided a friendlier use the NetCdf class contains two read methods.

  1. Reading one variable from the file:

    An input for a file path, a variable, a data output of the type NetCdf::VarArray and an optional timeStep are provided. The timeStep is used when data is read with a time dimension and the data set is to be read at a different time. The implementation forwards the input to an internally implemented read method, which is explained later.

    /// Header: NetCdf.h
    /// File:   NetCdf.cpp
    /// Test:   NetCdf.test.cpp
    void tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::read( const char* filepath,
                                        const char* variableName,
                                        VarArray& outData,
                                        size_t timeStep )
        _read( filepath, &variableName, &outData, timeStep, 1 );
  2. Reading multiple variables from one file:

    A template is provided that forces the user to enter the same number of variables as containers are provided for the data. A file path and an optional timeStep are also specified here. The implementation forwards the input again to an internally implemented read method.

    /// Header: NetCdf.h
    template <size_t N>
    void read( const char* filepath,
               const char* ( &variableName )[N],
               VarArray( &outData )[N],
               size_t timeStep = 0 )
        // NOTE: this function needs to be in the header because a template is used
        _read( filepath, variableName, outData, timeStep, N );

internal read method

First a check is done if the netCdf was created in read mode. Then a cleanup is done if a NetCdf::VarArray array is passed that already contains data.

/// File: NetCdf.cpp
void tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::_read( const char* filepath,
                                    const char** variableName,
                                    VarArray* outData,
                                    size_t timeStep,
                                    size_t size )
    if( !isReadMode )
        std::cerr << "This netCdf object is not initialized in read mode. Write mode can only be used to write to a file." << std::endl;
        exit( 2 );

    for( size_t i = 0; i < size; i++ )
        if( outData[i].array != nullptr )


Now the reading of the netCdf file can begin. To do this, the file is opened in non-write mode. And the longitude and latitude dimensions are read. The time dimension is only read if the timeStep is greater than zero and is therefore required to read the data at the correct location.

Reading a dimension follows the same pattern, so it will only be explained for longitude. First, the variable to store the ID is created on the name that the netCdf uses as an alias for the longitude / x-axis. In this case, the aliases are lon, longitude, x, X and a check is made to see if any of them are included in the file. If none of the alias names are contained, a corresponding netcdf error is output. A do-while loop is used to check the existence and the first matching dimension is used. The order of the alias names therefore plays a role.

/// File: NetCdf.cpp
// open the file
int ncID;
l_err = nc_open( filepath, NC_NOWRITE, &ncID );
checkNcErr( l_err, "readFile" );

// check of lon, longitude, x, X and get the corresponding dimension size
int lonID;
const char* lonNames[] = { "lon", "longitude", "x", "X" };
int lonNameSize = sizeof( lonNames ) / sizeof( char* );
int lonNameIndex = 0;
    l_err = nc_inq_dimid( ncID, lonNames[lonNameIndex], &lonID );
} while( l_err && ++lonNameIndex < lonNameSize );
checkNcErr( l_err, "readLongitude" );

size_t lonSize;
l_err = nc_inq_dimlen( ncID, lonID, &lonSize );
checkNcErr( l_err, "readLongitudeSize" );

// check of lat, latitude, y, Y and get the corresponding dimension size
int latID;
const char* latNames[] = { "lat", "latitude", "y", "Y" };

// check of time, date, t, T and get the corresponding dimension size
int timeID = -1;
size_t timeSize = 1;
if( timeStep != 0 )
    const char* timeNames[] = { "time", "date", "t", "T" };

    if( timeStep >= timeSize )
        std::cerr << "ERROR: The Timestep can not be higher than the available time dimensions in this file (" << filepath << ")" << std::endl;
        exit( 2 );

The specified variables are parsed using a for loop. First the ID is retrieved and the type of the variable is parsed, checked and saved. The nc_type NC_NAT leads to an error, as it cannot be represented by a suitable data type. Then the dimensions of the variable are parsed by retrieving the number of dimensions and all dimension IDs contained in the variable. In the next step, the length of the data array is calculated using if statements and a for loop and the timeStep for the start of the data set is saved. A warning is issued if the length of the data set is 1 or less. This is the case if a dimension is zero or the variable does not contain a longitude or latitude dimension. Finally, the corresponding typed array is created with a large switch statement and stored in NetCdf::VarArray, which also handles the deletion of the arrays with a switch statement.

/// File: NetCdf.cpp
// get the variables with their data
for( size_t i = 0; i < size; i++ )
    // get the variable
    const char* name = variableName[i];
    int varID;
    l_err = nc_inq_varid( ncID, name, &varID );
    checkNcErr( l_err, "readVarID" );

    // get the variable type
    nc_type varType;
    l_err = nc_inq_vartype( ncID, varID, &varType );
    checkNcErr( l_err, "readVarType" );
    if( varType == NC_NAT )
        std::cerr << "ERROR: The parsed type of the variable is NAT (Not a Type)" << variableName[i] << std::endl;
        exit( 2 );
    else if( varType == NC_BYTE )
        outData[i].type = VarType::CHAR;
        outData[i].type = static_cast<VarType>( varType );

    // get the number of dimensions included used by the variable
    int varDimCount;
    l_err = nc_inq_varndims( ncID, varID, &varDimCount );
    checkNcErr( l_err, "readVarDimCount" );

    if( varDimCount < 1 )
        std::cerr << "The given variable (" << variableName[i] << ") does not have any dimensions" << std::endl;
        exit( 2 );

    // get the dimensions id's from the variable
    int* varDims = new int[varDimCount];
    l_err = nc_inq_vardimid( ncID, varID, varDims );
    checkNcErr( l_err, "readVarDimCount" );

    // parse the dimensions and calculate length, count and start
    size_t length = 1;
    size_t stride = 1;
    size_t* start = new size_t[varDimCount]{ 0 };
    size_t* count = new size_t[varDimCount];
    std::fill_n( count, varDimCount, 1 );

    if( varDimCount >= 2 )
        // COARDS standard require the dimension order T, Z, Y, X
        int i = varDimCount - 4;
        i *= ( i >= 0 );

        while( i < varDimCount )
            if( varDims[i] == timeID )
                start[i] = timeStep;

        if( varDims[varDimCount - 2] == latID )
            count[varDimCount - 2] = latSize;
            length *= latSize;

    if( varDims[varDimCount - 1] == latID )
        count[varDimCount - 1] = latSize;
        length *= latSize;
        stride = latSize;
    else if( varDims[varDimCount - 1] == lonID )
        count[varDimCount - 1] = lonSize;
        length *= lonSize;
        stride = lonSize;

    // Warning for small size
    if( length <= 1 )
        const char* reset = "\033[0m";
        const char* yellow = "\033[33;49m";

        std::cout << yellow << "WARNING: one or less values were read from the variable " << variableName[i] << reset << std::endl;

    // initialize the data storage for the variable
    outData[i].length = length;
    outData[i].stride = stride;
    switch( outData[i].type )
        case VarType::CHAR:
            outData[i].array = new char[length];
        case VarType::SHORT:
            outData[i].array = new short[length];
        case VarType::INT:
            outData[i].array = new int[length];
        case VarType::FLOAT:
            outData[i].array = new float[length];
        case VarType::DOUBLE:
            outData[i].array = new double[length];
        case VarType::UCHAR:
            outData[i].array = new unsigned char[length];
        case VarType::USHORT:
            outData[i].array = new unsigned short[length];
        case VarType::UINT:
            outData[i].array = new unsigned int[length];
        case VarType::INT64:
            outData[i].array = new int64_t[length];
        case VarType::UINT64:
            outData[i].array = new uint64_t[length];
        case VarType::STRING:
            outData[i].array = new std::string[length];
    l_err = nc_get_vara( ncID, varID, start, count, outData[i].array );

    // free memory
    delete[] varDims;
    delete[] start;
    delete[] count;

At last the netCdf file is closed and the read of the file is finished.

3. Tsunami Event 2d

The TsunamiEvent2d class use two files to get the bathymetry and the displacement. The following equation shows a quick overview which values the TsunamiEvent2d class returns.

\[\begin{split}\begin{split}\begin{split} h &= \begin{cases} \max( -b_\text{in}, \delta), &\text{if } b_\text{in} < 0 \\ 0, &\text{else} \end{cases}\\ hu &= 0\\ hv &= 0\\ b &= \begin{cases} \min(b_\text{in}, -\delta) + d, & \text{ if } b_\text{in} < 0\\ \max(b_\text{in}, \delta) + d, & \text{ else}. \end{cases} \end{split}\end{split}\end{split}\]

The constructor loads the data from the bathymetry and displacement netcdf files using the discussed read method from the class tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf. Then the type of the data set is check, which should always be float and stored into the TsunamiEvent2d properties.

/// Header: TsunamiEvent2d.h
/// File:   TsunamiEvent2d.cpp
/// Test:   TsunamiEvent2d.test.cpp
tsunami_lab::setups::TsunamiEvent2d::TsunamiEvent2d( const char* bathymetryFilePath,
                                                    const char* ( &bathymetryVariable )[3],
                                                    const char* displacementFilePath,
                                                    const char* ( &displacementVariable )[3],
                                                    t_real scaleX,
                                                    t_real scaleY,
                                                    t_real delta )
    : scaleX( scaleX ), scaleY( scaleY ), delta( delta )
    tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf reader = tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf();

    // read & check the bathymetry data
    reader.read( bathymetryFilePath, bathymetryVariable, bathymetryData );

    if( bathymetryData[0].type != tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::FLOAT
        && bathymetryData[1].type != tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::FLOAT
        && bathymetryData[2].type != tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::FLOAT )
        std::cerr << "The read data for bathymetry is not of type float" << std::endl;
        exit( 2 );

    // read & check the displacement data
    reader.read( displacementFilePath, displacementVariable, displacementData );

    if( displacementData[0].type != tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::FLOAT
        && displacementData[1].type != tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::FLOAT
        && displacementData[2].type != tsunami_lab::io::NetCdf::FLOAT )
        std::cerr << "The read data for displacement is not of type float" << std::endl;
        exit( 2 );

    // assign the data to bathymetry and displacement
    for( size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        bathymetry[i] = static_cast<float*>( bathymetryData[i].array );
        bathymetrySize[i] = bathymetryData[i].length;
        displacement[i] = static_cast<float*>( displacementData[i].array );
        displacementSize[i] = displacementData[i].length;

The getBathymetry function determines the cell closest to the passed coordinates and returns the bathymetry of the cell, with an additional displacement if applicable. First the coordinate are scaled to fit on the bathymetry coordinate system. Then the value of the closest bathymetry cell is retrieved using the function getValueAscending which will be explained later. If the coordinates are inside the displacement area also value of the closest displacement cell is retrieved. At least the the bathymetry with displacement is returned as stated in the equation above.

/// File: TsunamiEvent2d.cpp
tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::TsunamiEvent2d::getBathymetry( t_real i_x,
                                                                        t_real i_y ) const
    // calculate the x coordinate scaled to the bathymetry coordinate system.
    t_real x = i_x / scaleX * std::abs( bathymetry[0][0] - bathymetry[0][bathymetrySize[0] - 1] ) + bathymetry[0][0];
    t_real y = i_y / scaleY * std::abs( bathymetry[1][0] - bathymetry[1][bathymetrySize[1] - 1] ) + bathymetry[1][0];

    // obtain the closest value
    t_real b = getValueAscending( bathymetry, bathymetrySize, bathymetryData[2].stride, x, y );
    t_real d = 0;
    if( displacement[0][0] <= x && x <= displacement[0][displacementSize[0] - 1]
        && displacement[1][0] <= y && y <= displacement[1][displacementSize[1] - 1] )
        d = getValueAscending( displacement, displacementSize, displacementData[2].stride, x, y );

    return ( b < 0 ? std::min( b, delta ) : std::max( b, delta ) ) + d;

The getHeight implementation is similar except that the displacement is not calculated and the equation above states that as follows:

return ( b < 0 ) * std::max( -b, delta );

Let’s take a look at the getValueAscending function, which has the task of finding the nearest cell. First, the start and end pointers of the array are calculated. Then we use the lower_bound function to find the position where we should place our element without changing the order of the array. For example, the array {-1, 1, 2, 3, 5} with the value 0.5. The function lower_limit returns the pointer that currently contains the value 1. Therefore, our value is between the address returned by lower_bound and the element before it, i.e. elementAddress and elementAddress - 1. Then we check if the function lower_bound was returned successfully. Now we can retrieve the index by checking which of the two values is closer and performing a corresponding pointer arithmetic. I.e. xIndex = ( std::abs( ( *xLower ) - x ) < std::abs( ( *xHigh ) - x ) ? xLower : xHigh ) - xBegin; where the part before the question mark compares the distance and then the index is calculated by subtracting the address begin. This is done for the x and y direction. Finally, we can calculate the index using the zStride and return the value found.


The array entered must be sorted in ascending order!


tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::TsunamiEvent2d::getValueAscending( const t_real* const data[3],
                                                                            const t_idx size[3],
                                                                            const t_idx zStride,
                                                                            const t_real x,
                                                                            const t_real y ) const
    // Because the x dimension and y dimension are sorted (ascending) the current x and y position can be found using a binary search (lower bound)
    const t_real* xBegin = data[0];
    const t_real* xEnd = xBegin + size[0];
    const t_real* yBegin = data[1];
    const t_real* yEnd = yBegin + size[1];
    const t_real* xHigh = std::lower_bound( xBegin, xEnd, x );
    const t_real* yHigh = std::lower_bound( yBegin, yEnd, y );
    const t_real* xLower = xHigh - 1; // can be done because array is sorted ascending
    const t_real* yLower = yHigh - 1;

    if( xHigh == xEnd || yHigh == yEnd )
        std::cerr << "WARNING: Could not found lower bound. Defaulting to zero" << std::endl;
        return 0;

    // calculate the index to get the data
    t_idx xIndex;
    t_idx yIndex;
    if( xHigh >= xEnd )
        xIndex = xLower - xBegin;
    else if( xLower < xBegin )
        xIndex = xHigh - xBegin;
        xIndex = ( std::abs( ( *xLower ) - x ) < std::abs( ( *xHigh ) - x ) ? xLower : xHigh ) - xBegin;
    if( yHigh >= yEnd )
        yIndex = xLower - xBegin;
    else if( yLower < yBegin )
        yIndex = yHigh - yBegin;
        yIndex = ( std::abs( ( *yLower ) - y ) < std::abs( ( *yHigh ) - y ) ? yLower : yHigh ) - yBegin;
    const t_idx index = yIndex * zStride + xIndex;

    if( index >= size[2] )
        std::cerr << "WARNING: Index out of range. Defaulting to zero" << std::endl;
        return 0;

    return data[2][index];

4. Comparison

Visualization of setups::ArtificialTsunami2d

Visualization of setups::TsunamiEvent2d

Both are visualized with 1000x1000 cells over a simulation time of 300 seconds.


All team members contributed equally to the tasks.