2. Finite Volume Discretization
F-Wave Integration
Switching between the solvers is done by an enum, which is always included when a class is derived from tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation
To achieve this, the enumeration is included in the header file of WavePropagation
/// File: WavePropagation.h
namespace tsunami_lab {
namespace patches {
class WavePropagation;
* solver options for wave propagation.
enum Solver
class tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation {
[ ... ]
* Set the solver for the netUpdate
* @param solver used solver
virtual void setSolver(Solver solver) = 0;
The implementation for setting the solver is done via a simple set function and the solver is set to the FWave solver by default.
Switching between the solvers is done via a function pointer of netUpdates to avoid calling an if statement in the for loop and to enable a more efficient calculation.
/// File: WavePropagation1d.h
class tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation1d: public WavePropagation {
[ ... ]
//! the solver used for the netUpdates
Solver solver = Solver::FWave;
[ ... ]
* Set the solver for the netUpdate
* Default: FWave
* @param solver used solver
void setSolver(Solver solver)
WavePropagation1d::solver = solver;
/// File: WavePropagation1d.cpp
void tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation1d::timeStep( t_real i_scaling ) {
[ ... ]
// uses a function pointer to choose between the solvers
void (*netUpdates)(t_real, t_real, t_real, t_real, t_real*, t_real*) = solvers::FWave::netUpdates;
if (solver == Solver::Roe)
netUpdates = solvers::Roe::netUpdates;
[ ... ]
Middle States
Setting up constants to control the middle states tests.
/// File: test_middle_states.cpp
const tsunami_lab::t_idx numberOfCells = 10;
const unsigned int numberOfTests = 1000000;
const double testAccuracy = 0.99;
const double accuracyMargin = 0.0001;
const tsunami_lab::patches::Solver solver = tsunami_lab::patches::Solver::FWave;
Reading the middleStates.csv by implementing a new function to tsunami_lab::io::Csv
The function is using a file stream to middleStates.csv and parses a new line when called.
/// File: Csv.cpp
bool tsunami_lab::io::Csv::next_middle_states ( std::ifstream & stream,
t_real & o_hLeft,
t_real & o_hRight,
t_real & o_huLeft,
t_real & o_huRight,
t_real & o_hStar )
std::string line;
// read next complete line
while (std::getline(stream, line))
// skip commented lines
if (line[0] == '#')
// parse lines divided by ',' to single values
std::istringstream lineStream(line);
std::string hLeft;
std::getline(lineStream, hLeft, ',');
o_hLeft = atof(hLeft.c_str());
std::string hRight;
std::getline(lineStream, hRight, ',');
o_hRight = atof(hRight.c_str());
std::string huLeft;
std::getline(lineStream, huLeft, ',');
o_huLeft = atof(huLeft.c_str());
std::string huRight;
std::getline(lineStream, huRight, ',');
o_huRight = atof(huRight.c_str());
std::string hStar;
std::getline(lineStream, hStar);
o_hStar = atof(hStar.c_str());
return true;
// no lines left to read
return false;
Creating a new test case to run with a Catch2 session.
Using the new CSV function to parse the file lines and check if the file can be read in a while loop.
/// File: test_middle_states.cpp
TEST_CASE( "Test against the middle_states.csv", "[MiddleStates]" )
// Read the middle_states.csv
std::ifstream middle_states( "resources/middle_states.csv" );
unsigned int successfullTests = 0;
unsigned int evaluatedTests = 0;
// parese each line of the middle_states.csv and test against the simulation
tsunami_lab::t_real hLeft, hRight, huLeft, huRight, hStar;
while( evaluatedTests < numberOfTests
&& tsunami_lab::io::Csv::next_middle_states( middle_states,
hStar ) )
[ ... ]
Implementing a new setup for the middle states to return the matching height and momentum for the corresponding x-coordinate.
/// File: MiddleStates1d.cpp
#include "../../include/setups/MiddleStates1d.h"
#include "../../include/constants.h"
tsunami_lab::setups::MiddleStates1d::MiddleStates1d( t_real i_heightLeft, t_real i_heightRight, t_real i_momentumLeft, t_real i_momentumRight, t_real i_location )
m_heightLeft = i_heightLeft;
m_heightRight = i_heightRight;
m_momentumLeft = i_momentumLeft;
m_momentumRight = i_momentumRight;
m_location = i_location;
tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::MiddleStates1d::getHeight( t_real i_x, t_real ) const
if( i_x <= m_location )
return m_heightLeft;
return m_heightRight;
tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::MiddleStates1d::getMomentumX( t_real i_x, t_real ) const
if( i_x <= m_location )
return m_momentumLeft;
return m_momentumRight;
tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::MiddleStates1d::getMomentumY( t_real, t_real ) const
return 0;
Adding the new setup to the Catch2 unit tests.
/// File: MiddleStates1d.test.cpp
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include "../../include/setups/MiddleStates1d.h"
TEST_CASE( "Test the one-dimensional MiddleStates setup.", "[MiddleStates1d]" )
tsunami_lab::setups::MiddleStates1d l_middleStates( 25,
3 );
// left side
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getHeight( 2, 0 ) == 25 );
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getMomentumX( 2, 0 ) == 35 );
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getMomentumY( 2, 0 ) == 0 );
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getHeight( 2, 5 ) == 25 );
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getMomentumX( 2, 5 ) == 35 );
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getMomentumY( 2, 2 ) == 0 );
// right side
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getHeight( 4, 0 ) == 12 );
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getMomentumX( 4, 0 ) == 123 );
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getMomentumY( 4, 0 ) == 0 );
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getHeight( 4, 5 ) == 12 );
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getMomentumX( 4, 5 ) == 123 );
REQUIRE( l_middleStates.getMomentumY( 4, 2 ) == 0 );
Setting up the testing with the new setup MiddleStates1d
and calculating the hStar by calculating over multiple time steps.
Printing an Error message if the deviation of the calculated hStar and the read hStar is too high.
After going through all test the number of successful tests, accuracy and cell settings are printed.
At the end Catch2 test throws an error if the accuracy is too low.
/// File: test_middle_states.cpp
[ ... ]
tsunami_lab::t_real l_dxy = 10.0 / numberOfCells;
tsunami_lab::t_real l_location = 5.0;
tsunami_lab::t_real startHeightDifference = abs( hLeft - hRight );
// construct setup
tsunami_lab::setups::Setup* l_setup = new tsunami_lab::setups::MiddleStates1d( hLeft, hRight, huLeft, huRight, l_location );
// construct solver
tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation* l_waveProp;
l_waveProp = new tsunami_lab::patches::WavePropagation1d( numberOfCells );
// set the solver to use
l_waveProp->setSolver( solver );
// maximum observed height in the setup
tsunami_lab::t_real l_hMax = std::numeric_limits< tsunami_lab::t_real >::lowest();
// set up solver
for( tsunami_lab::t_idx l_cy = 0; l_cy < numberOfCells; l_cy++ )
tsunami_lab::t_real l_y = l_cy * l_dxy;
for( tsunami_lab::t_idx l_cx = 0; l_cx < numberOfCells; l_cx++ )
tsunami_lab::t_real l_x = l_cx * l_dxy;
// get initial values of the setup
tsunami_lab::t_real l_h = l_setup->getHeight( l_x,
l_y );
l_hMax = std::max( l_h, l_hMax );
tsunami_lab::t_real l_hu = l_setup->getMomentumX( l_x,
l_y );
tsunami_lab::t_real l_hv = l_setup->getMomentumY( l_x,
l_y );
// set initial values in wave propagation solver
l_waveProp->setHeight( l_cx,
l_h );
l_waveProp->setMomentumX( l_cx,
l_hu );
l_waveProp->setMomentumY( l_cx,
l_hv );
// derive maximum wave speed in setup; the momentum is ignored
tsunami_lab::t_real l_speedMax = std::sqrt( 9.81 * l_hMax );
// derive constant time step; changes at simulation time are ignored
tsunami_lab::t_real l_dt = 0.5 * l_dxy / l_speedMax;
// derive scaling for a time step
tsunami_lab::t_real l_scaling = l_dt / l_dxy;
// set up time and print control
tsunami_lab::t_idx l_timeStep = 0;
tsunami_lab::t_real l_endTime = 1.25;
tsunami_lab::t_real l_simTime = 0;
// iterate over time
while( l_simTime < l_endTime )
l_waveProp->timeStep( l_scaling );
l_simTime += l_dt;
// test hStar against read value from middle_states.csv
tsunami_lab::t_idx l_iy = 1;
tsunami_lab::t_idx i_stride = 1;
tsunami_lab::t_idx l_id = l_iy * i_stride + static_cast<tsunami_lab::t_real>( l_location * l_dxy );
const tsunami_lab::t_real* heights = l_waveProp->getHeight();
tsunami_lab::t_real delta = abs( hStar - heights[l_id] );
tsunami_lab::t_real relativDeviation = delta / ( startHeightDifference + 1 );
bool isSameHeight = ( relativDeviation <= accuracyMargin );
successfulTests += isSameHeight;
nanProblems += std::isnan( delta );
if( !isSameHeight )
std::cout << "FAILED: Deviation too high from Test " << evaluatedTests << " (relativ deviation:" << relativDeviation << ")" << std::endl;
// free memory
delete l_setup;
delete l_waveProp;
// close the file and print the results
std::cout << successfulTests << " Tests were successful of " << evaluatedTests << " with " << nanProblems << " Nan evaluations" << std::endl
<< "Accuracy of " << successfulTests / static_cast<double>( evaluatedTests ) << " with Margin of " << accuracyMargin << " and " << numberOfCells << " Cells" << std::endl;
REQUIRE( successfulTests / static_cast<double>( evaluatedTests ) >= testAccuracy );
Output of test_middle_states with 100 cells and a margin of 2%.
FAILED: Deviation too high from Test 999969 (relativ deviation:0.284146)
FAILED: Deviation too high from Test 999990 (relativ deviation:0.199954)
992814 Tests were successful of 1000000 with 17 Nan evaluations
Accuracy of 0.992814 with Margin of 0.02 and 100 Cells
All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)
Continuous Integration
The continuous integration is done by a GitHub Action which was provided and modified to fit the current requirements. E.g. switching to cmake to build the project and the implemented targets. The action runs when a commit is done to the main branch or a pull request is opened targeting the main branch and the action runs every night to ensure continuity.
name: Tsunami Lab
branches: [ main ]
branches: [ main ]
- cron: 0 0 * * *
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Dependencies
run: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install valgrind
sudo apt-get install cppcheck
git submodule init
git submodule update
- name: Configure the project
uses: threeal/cmake-action@v1.3.0
- name: Static Code Analysis
cppcheck src/ --template=gcc --force --error-exitcode=1
- name: Sanitize
run: |
cmake --build build --config Debug --target sanitize
./build/sanitize 25
cmake --build build --config Debug --target sanitize_test
./build/sanitize_test 25
cmake --build build --config Release --target sanitize
./build/sanitize 500
cmake --build build --config Release --target sanitize_test
./build/sanitize_test 500
- name: Valgrind
run: |
cmake --build build --config Debug --target test
valgrind build/test
cmake --build build --config Debug --target build
valgrind build/build 25
- name: Release
run: |
cmake --build build --config Release --target test
cmake --build build --config Release --target build
./build/build 500
2.1. Shock and Rarefaction Waves
Implementation of shock-shock setup
“Shock-Shock Problem: Let’s use our solver to solve shock-shock Riemann problems. Imagine two streams of water which move in opposite directions and smash into each other at some position \(x_\text{dis}\). The scenario is given by the following setup”[1]:
with initial conditions:
tsunami_lab::setups::ShockShock1d::ShockShock1d(t_real i_heightLeft,
t_real i_momentumLeft,
t_real i_locationShock)
m_heightLeft = i_heightLeft;
m_momentumLeft = i_momentumLeft;
m_locationShock = i_locationShock;
t_real tsunami_lab::setups::ShockShock1d::getHeight(t_real ,
t_real ) const
return m_heightLeft;
t_real tsunami_lab::setups::ShockShock1d::getMomentumX(t_real i_x,
t_real ) const
if (i_x <= m_locationShock)
return m_momentumLeft;
return -m_momentumLeft;
t_real tsunami_lab::setups::ShockShock1d::getMomentumY(t_real,
t_real) const
return 0;
Implementation of rare-rare setup
“Rare-Rare Problem: We can setup rare-rare Riemann problems by two streams of water, which move away from each other at some position \(x_\text{dis}\). The scenario is defined as”[1]:
tsunami_lab::setups::RareRare1d::RareRare1d(tsunami_lab::t_real i_heightLeft,
tsunami_lab::t_real i_momentumLeft,
tsunami_lab::t_real i_locationRare) {
m_heightLeft = i_heightLeft;
m_momentumLeft = i_momentumLeft;
m_locationRare = i_locationRare;
tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::RareRare1d::getHeight(tsunami_lab::t_real , tsunami_lab::t_real) const {
return m_heightLeft;
tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::RareRare1d::getMomentumX(tsunami_lab::t_real i_x,
tsunami_lab::t_real) const {
if (i_x <= m_locationRare) {
return -m_momentumLeft;
} else {
return m_momentumLeft;
tsunami_lab::t_real tsunami_lab::setups::RareRare1d::getMomentumY(tsunami_lab::t_real,
tsunami_lab::t_real) const {
return 0;
Play around
l_hl…height of left side
l_hr…height of right side
l_ml…momentum of left side
\(\lambda_1\)…wave speed one
\(\lambda_2\)…wave speed two
All results with 3 cells!
l_hl |
l_hul |
l_ul |
l_location |
Setup |
\(\lambda_1\) |
\(\lambda_2\) |
10 |
/ |
/ |
5 |
Dam-Break |
-9.90285 |
9.90285 |
10 |
8 |
0.8 |
5 |
Rare-Rare |
-10.7029 |
9.10285 |
10 |
8 |
0.8 |
5 |
Shock-Shock |
-9.10285 |
10.7029 |
10 |
/ |
/ |
5 |
Dam-Break |
-9.90285 |
9.90285 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Rare-Rare |
-9.90285 |
9.90285 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
5 |
Shock-Shock |
-9.90285 |
9.90285 |
15 |
/ |
/ |
5 |
Dam-Break |
-12.1285 |
12.1285 |
15 |
5 |
1/3 |
5 |
Rare-Rare |
-12.4618 |
11.7951 |
15 |
5 |
1/3 |
5 |
Shock-Shock |
-11.7951 |
12.4618 |
100 |
/ |
/ |
5 |
Dam-Break |
-31.3156 |
31.3156 |
100 |
5 |
0.05 |
5 |
Rare-Rare |
-31.3656 |
31.2656 |
100 |
5 |
0.05 |
5 |
Shock-Shock |
-31.2656 |
31.3656 |
100 |
/ |
/ |
5 |
Dam-Break |
-31.3156 |
31.3156 |
100 |
2000 |
20 |
5 |
Rare-Rare |
-51.3156 |
11.3156 |
100 |
2000 |
20 |
5 |
Shock-Shock |
-11.3156 |
51.3156 |
What we observe
- Dam-Break
\(\lambda_1 = -\lambda_2\)
The higher the difference between l_hl and l_hr the higher the absolute wave speeds (eigenvalues).
Wave speeds are independent of the velocity which is always zero.- Rare-Rare
Waves speeds of Rare-Rare and Shock-Shock are swapped.
\(\lambda_{1/2} = u \mp \sqrt{gh}\)
thus the wave speeds scale with the velocity. The higher the velocity the higher the wave speeds.- Shock-Shock
Waves speeds of Rare-Rare and Shock-Shock are swapped.
\(\lambda_{1/2} = u \mp \sqrt{gh}\)
thus the wave speeds scale with the velocity. The higher the velocity the higher the wave speeds.
2.2. Dam-Break
Playing around
l_hl…height of left side
l_hr…height of right side
l_ur…particles velocity of the right side
All results with 100 cells!
l_hl |
l_hr |
l_location |
l_ur |
10 |
10 |
5 |
0 |
20 |
10 |
5 |
4.1327 |
10 |
20 |
5 |
-4.1356 |
200 |
10 |
5 |
34.2068 |
200 |
150 |
5 |
5.9400 |
200 |
190 |
5 |
1.1214 |
The larger the gap between the left and right water height the bigger is the velocity. With higher water columns but same difference between left and right water height the velocity decreases.
Compute evacuation time
Calculated with Simulation
Distance: \(25,000\,m\)
Wave speed: \(11.7120\,m/s\)
Time: \(\frac{25,000\,m}{11.7120\,m/s} = 35,5760\,s \approx \text{35:34 min}\)
Calculated by hand
Distance: \(25,000\,m\)
Wave speed: \(9.329937553\,m/s\)
Time: \(\frac{25,000\,m}{9.329937553\,m/s} = 2679.546\,s \approx \text{44:40 min}\)
All team members contributed equally to the tasks.